Jennifer Ward
Jennifer has been an academic librarian for 19 years and received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in 2009. She has taught hundreds of education masters students in classroom research and secondary research and how to design and write a thesis, specifically a meta-synthetic review of the literature study.
An APA geek, she is published in library and information science and education publications. She enjoys the process of editing and “cleaning up” the writing and ideas and collaborating with clients to help them realize the very best version of their research project.
Professional affiliations have included ACRL, ALA, AIIP, ASIST, IFLA, and PNLA.
When not in the library or on her computer (usually in a coffee shop), she journals, takes pictures and video, travels, and spends time with her family and black lab Linus.
If interested, you can read her ideas about nutrition and mental performance at Food and Mood.
"Academic research can be very structured but within that structure there is still room for individual expression, creativity, and innovative ideas. My editing helps your voice and your data stand out." -- Jennifer
Grants, publications, presentations.
Office of Indian Education
Access to Choices in Education
"Kali.it’ch’i Kutxayanahá Yaanáx Yee Kawdigán: You All Shine Brighter than The Shining Stars: A Student-Centered Approach to Education"
Tribal sovereignty in education choice of services grant.
USDE Office of Indian Education
Native Youth Community Program (NYCP) Demonstration Grant
Atwusku Toonaxh Yeekawdigan (Your knowledge shines around you).
Career and technical education program to assist post-secondary students in obtaining an industry recognized certificate
Native Connections
Ye'es Kha'a Naltseeni': Strengthening Youth
Suicide Prevention, Art Therapy and White Bison, Inc., Wellbriety
peer reviewed journals
Wilkes, B. and Ward, J. (2016). "Building community: Synergy and empowerment through staff development and marketing in a small rural academic library," Collaborative Librarianship, 8(4), Article 6. Available at: http://digitalcommons.du.edu/collaborativelibrarianship/vol8/iss4/6
Duke, T. S., & Ward, J. D. (2009). Preparing information literate teachers: A metasynthesis. Library & Information Science Research, 31(4), 247-256.
Brown, J.D., & Duke, T. S. (2005). Librarian and faculty collaborative instruction: A phenomenological self-study. Research Strategies, 20(3), 171-190.
Meulemans, Y. N., & Brown, J.D. (2001). Educating instruction librarians: A model for library and information science education. Research Strategies, 18(4), 253-264.
An American Librarian Visits IFLA: Backtalk, Library Journal by Jennifer Ward on September 20, 2012.
book chapters
Ward, J. D., & Wilkes, B. (2016). Staff engagement for cohesion. In The small and rural academic library: Leveraging resources, overcoming limitations, pp. 104-108. Edited by Kendrick and Tritt. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Ward, J. D., & Duke, T. S. (2013). Empowering professional practices of a community of e-learners: Teachers in Alaska and their information literacy conceptions. In Dr. Mark Hepworth & Dr. Geoff Walton (editors). Developing People’s Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts. Emerald Publishing Group.
Ward, J. D., & Duke, T. S. (2011). Remote and rural voices: Using interviews to understand the information literacy experience of Alaskan special educators. In D. Cook, & L. Farmer (Eds.), Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research: How Librarians Can Get to the Why of Data (pp. 65-85). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Duke, T. S., Ward, J. D., & Burkert, J. (2010). Preparing critically conscious, information literate special education teachers for Alaska’s schools. In M. T. Accardi, E. Drabinsky & A. Kumbier (Eds.), Critical Library Instruction: Theories and Methods (pp. 115-131). Duluth, Minn.: Library Juice Press.
Duke, T. S., & Ward, J. D. (2009). Haiku, self-reflection, and the research process. In R. Sittler, & D. Cook (Eds.), The Library Instruction Cookbook (pp. 112-113) Association of College and Research Libraries.
Duke, T. S., & Brown, J. D. (2006). Teacher as researcher: Librarian and faculty collaboration in teaching the literature review in a distance-delivered teacher education program. In D. Cook, & N. Cooper (Eds.), Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Social Sciences Students and Practitioners: A Casebook of Applications (pp. 131-145). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
conference presentations and workshops
Online Privacy Basics. AARP TEC Event, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, Alaska. May 2018
Online Privacy Basics (with Ward F. Ward). AARP TEC Event, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, Alaska. May, 2017
Teaching and Learning with Digital Treasures (with Bethany Wilkes). Alaska Library Association (AKLA) Conference, Juneau, Alaska. March, 2015
From Alaska to Helsinki: Observations and Highlights of a Semester Abroad. Alaska Library Association (AKLA) Conference, Juneau, Alaska. March, 2015
Academic and Assistive Technology Workshop. Tips and Tricks Tuesdays. Egan Library Staff Development. January, 2015
Kids2College Career Panel – My college education and career path to becoming a librarian – presentation to local 5th graders. Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, Juneau, Alaska. May, 2014
Technology and Information Literacy: What Can We Learn from Finland to Adopt in Alaska's Schools? Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE) Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. February, 2013
Applying for a Sabbatical and other International Opportunities. NW Returnee Conference for Education Abroad. University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, Alaska. February, 2013
*Information Literacy in Alaska's Remote Indigenous Communities: Teachers' Rural Voices, Paper, IFLA Satellite Conference on Information Literacy in Gothenburg, Sweden. August, 2010
*Using Technology to Prepare Special Educators to Teach in Alaska’s Indigenous Communities – presented by colleagues Thomas Duke, Jill Burkert, and Susan Andrews. Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities in Honolulu, Hawaii. April, 2010
*Teacher as Researcher: Librarian and Faculty Collaboration in Teaching the Literature Review in a Distance-Delivered Teacher Education Program, Poster Session, Thirteenth Off-Campus Library Service Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. April, 2008
Workshop on Pedagogical Issues in Distance Education: Research Skills. – co-presented with Deborah Barnett, Kathy DiLorenzo, Cathy LeCompte, and Rick McDonald (UA Educational Technology Team Distance Education Faculty Development Sub-Committee). Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE) Conference, Anchorage, Alaska February, 2008
“Teachers as Researchers: Librarian and Faculty Collaboration in Teaching the Literature Review in a Distance Delivered Teacher Education Program” –co-presented with Thomas Scott Duke, Poster Session, Alaska Library Association Annual Conference, Juneau, Alaska February, 2007
*”Faculty and Librarian Collaborative Instruction in a Distance-Delivered Teacher Education Program: A Phenomenological Self-Study” – co-presented with Thomas Scott Duke, Roundtable presentation – SIG Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California April, 2006
“Copyright Basics – including the TEACH Act and ILL” – co-presented with Freya Anderson, Panel Session – Alaska Library Association Annual Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska March, 2004
“Using RefWorks Bibliographic Citation Manager” – Alaska Library Association Annual Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska March, 2004
“Alaska Virtual Reference Pilot Project” – panel presentation, Alaska Library Association Annual Conference, Juneau, Alaska March, 2003
December 2001
University of Hawai'i
Honolulu, Hawai'i
Library and Information Science Program, Information and Computer Science Department
Masters of Library and Information Science and Computing, 4.0 GPA
November 1995
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Bachelor of Liberal Arts, cum laude